Irritable Syndrome is a lesser-known but very real condition that some men experience. Research has shown that, on average, 10-15% of all males will have Irritable Husband Syndrome at one point or another. It’s called Irritable Husband Syndrome because it arises when a man gets so annoyed with his pesky wife that he develops a full-fledged case of IBS. In its severest form, Irritable Husband Syndrome can go on to include symptoms of depression and other illnesses. It is a painful condition that starts with minor irritations. It was first discovered when many doctors were treating men who were patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). These doctors began noticing that the same men had similar problems with their wives. Below are signs of Irritable Husband Syndrome.
1. How testosterone makes irritable husbands even more irritable
Men are like fire… or better stated, and they are a lot like a firecracker. Put a firecracker underwater, and it’s harmless. Set it on the table, and it’s okay. Touch the fuse, and it will explode in your hand. Testosterone is the fuse that makes firecrackers explode in their hands. It’s the hormone responsible for all men’s aggression, strength, drive, and determination.
2. Can low T cause Peyronie’s disease?
The levels of testosterone in the body are naturally highest in men. This is because testosterone is at its highest form when a man reaches puberty, which happens between the ages of 9 and 11. Healthy men have high testosterone levels throughout their lives because they produce it themselves. In some cases, the levels may drop, making a man feel depressed and uninterested in anything.
3. Irritable Husband Syndrome and Andropause
Irritable Husband Syndrome is a real condition that some men have to deal with. Typically, its symptoms develop after a long-term marriage or relationship has gone sour. But what does it mean for older men? Andropause is the medical term for the gradual decline of testosterone production in older men. It’s normal at an average age of 55 and is characterized by symptoms like erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and a depletion of energy and muscle mass.
4. Signs of a miserable husband
i. He became hypersensitive
Irritable Husband Syndrome is generally characterized by hypersensitivity or increased sensitivity to things that wouldn’t usually bother the average man. The husband will overreact to small comments his wife makes. He may also start coming up with wild ideas and believing them as facts, even if they are entirely unfounded.
ii. His level of disappointment has Increased
There is a common misconception that irritable men will always be like this. The truth is, they have good days and bad days. When his bad days outnumber the good ones, there is a problem. He will become disappointed and may start blaming his wife for things she has no control over.
iii. He seems more irritable than usual
He is annoyed by what people say or do is normal, even for the average person. But a man suffering from Irritable Husband Syndrome becomes irritated over every little thing. He may even get mad over food being cooked differently than he likes or not having the right brand of coffee or tea.
iv. Reduced sex drive
Another major symptom of irritable husband syndrome is a reduced sex drive. A man with reduced libido may not show any sexual interest in his wife. This can make the woman upset over her husband’s behavior, further increasing the dispute between them and worsening the condition.
v. Persistently low energy levels
Sometimes, a man will wake up in the morning and not have the energy to deal with work. He may go back to sleep when he wakes up, only waking up later when it’s time to go to work. This is because his body is running low on energy, and he needs to rest and recover before functioning normally.
vi. Bad lifestyle choices
Bad lifestyle choices can easily make a man more irritable, such as overeating junk food and not exercising enough. Fatigue brings on irritability, leading to the man becoming overly sensitive and critical of everything. This will most likely lead to an argument between him and his wife.
5. How to deal when you have a miserable husband
If you find that your husband is becoming more irritable, you will need to do something about it. You can’t leave it alone and hope he will snap out of it because he won’t. If you are in a relationship with a man who suffers from Irritable Husband Syndrome, there are a few things that you can do to help deal with the problem.
I. Talk to him about the problem
The first thing you need to do is talk to your husband about his behavior. Try and stay calm, but be honest with him. Tell him that you’ve noticed he’s becoming more irritable lately. If you feel like he is interested in understanding why, explain it to him, but only make it sound like a problem if he agrees with the explanation that you give him.
II. Make sure that he knows he’s not alone
If you feel your husband is blaming you for his irritability, reassure him that it isn’t your fault. This can be difficult because it may feel like it is your fault, and this is what you want to tell him to make him feel better. Before you say anything, though, remind yourself that Irritable Husband Syndrome is an actual medical condition that deserves to be treated with the same respect as any other medical condition.
III. Give him a hug and a kiss
Studies have shown that oxytocin (a neurotransmitter hormone) is released when a woman gives her husband a kiss or a hug. Oxytocin has been proven to relax the mind and decrease stress, making the body more susceptible to pleasant thoughts. A man who feels relaxed like this will not be as irritable.
Irritable Husband Syndrome is a real problem for some men. It can make them more irritable and make their wives feel they are to blame for the syndrome. The best thing you can do is listen to what your husband has to say and try to be as understanding as possible because, in reality, it isn’t his fault. It’s a medical condition that needs treatment concerning any other medical condition.